Regular and Cumulative Enrollment and Dropout Rates for California Schools, 2007-08
This table provides enrollment and dropout figures for all California public schools that enroll students in grades 9-12. The table shows regular school enrollment, which measures the number of students enrolled on Information Day (the first Wednesday of October), and cumulative enrollment, which measures the total number of students enrolled in the school throughout the school year. The table also provides dropout rates based on these two enrollment figures. Dropout figures in this list were current on their date of retrieval, but they may not agree with more recent figures that reflect updated information provided by school districts. It should be noted that schools enroll different types of students, so school dropout rates, by themselves, do not reveal whether a school is effective or ineffective in retaining students or helping them graduate. The data in this table were provided by the California Department of Education and can be accessed through their website, DataQuest ( ). School Type : A - Alternative; CC - County Community; DC - District Community; ES - Elementary School; HS - High School; JC - Juvenile Center; JH - Junior High School; K12 - K-12 School; MS - Middle School; OS - Opportunity School; SE - Special Education; YA - Youth Authority School.