PUBLICATIONS: Policy Committee Report   |   Return to Publications Page


CDRP Policy Committee Report: (PDF, 24 pgs.)
Solving California's Dropout Crisis   |   query("SELECT * FROM downloads where name = 'policyreport.pdf'"); $row = $policyreport->fetch_assoc(); echo "Downloads: ".$row['downloads']; echo " "; ?>


Press Release: (PDF, 1 page)
CDRP Issues Blueprint to Solve Dropout Crisis;
Government Officials Echo Need for Action, Announce Steps Towards Reform


One Page Handouts: (PDF)
Recommendations   |   A Pictorial View of CA Dropouts



February 27, 2008:

Russell Rumberger presented the CDRP Policy Committee Report, "Solving California's Dropout Crisis" at the Senate Office of Research in Sacramento, CA

The day began with a briefing for advocates, sponsored by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, followed by a briefing for legislative staff. The afternoon concluded with a media briefing.




The Schedule of events:

  • • 10AM: Fight Crime: Invest in Kids Advocates Meeting
  • • Noon: CDRP Legislative Briefing
  • • 1:30PM: CDRP Media Briefing



Participants (in photos below) included (L to R):
State Assembly Member Jean Fuller; CDRP Director Russell Rumberger; State Superintendant of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell; State Senator Darryl Steinberg; and Paul Seave, Director, Gang and Youth Violence Policy Office of the Governor’s office




Select list of related media:

• Sacramento Bee
          2/27: Dropping California's dropout rate starts with accountability, researchers say
          2/28: Editorial: Dropout problem gets some welcome attention
          2/28: 'Tragic proportion' of dropouts prompts panel ideas; Better data system, 'lighthouse districts' among suggestions.

San Francisco Chronicle
San Diego Union Tribune


Posted on March 16, 2008
Santa Cruz Sentinel's Andy Shapiro: It Takes a Village: The cost of dropouts continues well past high school

Posted on February 29, 2008
California Progress Report: Solving California’s Dropout Crisis is our site of the day

Posted on February 28, 2008
San Francisco AM radio station KGO's Bret Burkhart reports | Download (audio file)