Project Summary (PDF handout)

CDRP publishes several types of documents to make the research information that is produced accessible to policymakers, educators, and the public at large.


Policy Committee Report: this report, released February 27, 2008, documents systemic solutions to solving California's dropout crisis, based on building the capacity of the key educational institutions in the state--schools, districts, and the California Department of Education. Page includes media coverage on the release of the report.

Policy Briefs: short summaries of the research reports written for a broader, lay audience.

Research Reports: the final reports from the research syntheses and studies. All reports are peer-reviewed where reviewers are anonymous to the authors. Page includes list of forthcoming reports as well as those currently in print.

Statistical Briefs: short publications focusing on specific dimensions of the dropout problem using existing state and federal databases. Includes links to sortable dropout rate tables.

City Profiles: series of documents illustrating the dropout problem in seventeen local communities throughout California. (Projected release date: April 9, 2009).

"Fresh Voices" Videos: California Ninth Graders Speak Out About Dropping Out
(a video companion piece to CDRP's Research Report #8: Giving a Student Voice to California's Dropout Crisis)